Forestry Service Roads
1 Solution
A high-quality, user-friendly job aid and reference guide to access critical information related to the operation of 2-way radios while traveling on Forestry Service Roads (FSRs).
This includes:
- step-by-step instructions emphasizing technical details, specifically SOS emergency procedures
- diagrams serve as a quick reference for operators
- signage explanations and critical takeaways
Structured authoring techniques ensured consistency in style and formatting, which made the document easy to maintain and flexible for future updates.
2 Challenge
These constraints are due to the Energy Regulator’s document management system and their tight integration of Microsoft Office products:
- MS Word is the preferred publishing platform
- MS Powerpoint is the preferred image manipulation platform due its simplicity, availability, and compatibility
- No external libraries including Acrobat, Office365, and stock images or graphical assets
3 Process
The job aid document required designing, organizing and presenting the content in a clear and intuitive manner.
I chose to sort the information from an operational standpoint, which made use of existing logistical structures and maximized my opportunities with SMEs to answer my questions and test my prototypes.